Steven Weinberg’s Test of Quantum Mechanics Might Soon Be Realized by Marc G Airhart Scientists propose test for hypothesis of Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg by Renée Dillinger
Physics Nobel recognizes Berkeley experiment on ‘spooky action at a distance’
By Robert Sanders
SABRE-relay work in the ZULF lab gets attention American Laboratory
Diseased plants and wrong perfume can be identified quickly, reliably and in real time (ULTRACHIRAL in the news)
Our urban magnetometry study in the news
Our team wins the 2021 Erwin Schrödinger Prize of the Helmholtz Association
Here is the Helmholtz Press Release from February 16, 2022 And here is the GSI Press Release (in English)
Our Stochastic Fluctuations paper…
“Stochastic fluctuations of bosonic dark matter” has been chosen as a Nature Communications Editor’s highlight in nuclear and particle physics.
Optical magnetometry in the atmosphere: an interview with Dr. Wilhelm Kaenders, co-founder of TOPTICA
Read it in the Laser Focus World
Felipe Pedreros Bustos wins the 2021 EPS QEOD Thesis Award
Read about this here!
Expanding nuclear physics horizons with the Gamma Factory
One of the World’s oldest physics journals, Annalen der Physik, is about to feature a Special Issue on Physics Opportunities with the Gamma Factory. The issue will feature this review article.